Twilio Programmable Messaging | Apr. 08, 2024

Twilio programmable messaging to remove any phone range blocks that have been active for longer than 30 days

Starting May 9, 2024, Twillio will remove any phone range blocks on your account that have been active for longer than 30 days.

In the past, some accounts received a notification that fraud was detected on those accounts and that Twilio enacted blocking for certain prefixes. These blocks were internally set using the messaging opt out functionality which is why outbound messages destined for these blocks fail with Twilio error code 21610. As there is no way for customers to control this functionality and since fraud activity tends to dissipate after blocking, we will be removing these blocks from those accounts.

What do you need to do? We recommend regularly reviewing your SMS geo permissions and only enabling countries where you intend to send messages and incur messaging costs. This is a more efficient method to prevent unwanted messages without the risk of blocking legitimate traffic. To enable or disable Geo Permissions, go to your Console’s Geo Permission settings.


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