Programmable Messaging | Nov. 25, 2024

[U.S. A2P 10DLC] Campaign DCA Complete webhook now available

Twilio is now selecting the “Secondary DCA Sharing Status” for all carriers in The Campaign Registry (TCR), including AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, US Cellular, Interop, and Clearsky.

What’s New for Customers:
Campaigns registered via TCR, externally registered campaigns, will now receive the CAMPAIGN_DCA_COMPLETE webhook from TCR. This webhook confirms that the campaign has been vetted and approved by all designated DCAs.

Starting December 3, 2024:
Twilio will backfill the Secondary DCA Sharing Status for existing campaigns registered for US Cellular, Interop, and Clearsky in TCR. This process will also trigger the CAMPAIGN_DCA_COMPLETE webhook for these campaigns.
