Zapier Makes Apps Work for You, Opens Developer Platform

August 01, 2012
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When three friends got together for Startup Weekend, they wanted to solve a problem for vendors who had a difficult time building out app integrations. Specifically, they wanted to provide a service where people could combine their favorite apps like Evernote and Google Calendar without having to know how to code. Co-founded by Wade Foster, Bryan Helmig and Mike Knoop, Zapier lets users drag and drop app integrations on a simple dashboard interface.

The platform currently offers over 60 different apps and today Zapier announced the launch of their developer platform. Now, any company or developer can add an app to the library for users to build Zaps.

Build Your Zap

In the Zapier dashboard, users can choose the first app (a trigger from one event on one app), then choose what action that executes on a second app. The drag and drop app icons in the dashboard allow you to quickly set up these integrations. For example, you could use a new Basecamp To-Do as a trigger to send your marketing team a text message if you’re using Basecamp and Twilio as your trigger and action. Bonus: any trigger can be via a webhook so with POST/GET to webhook, you can do a lot with Twilio.

Twilio developers can sync their Twilio account to integrate with any other app by logging into your Twilio account before completing your Zap. You don’t have to be a developer though, users can set up Zaps to Twilio through the dashboard. Developers can also integrate their own API by adding their API key to Zapier, all without writing any code.

There are a ton of great Zaps you can build with over 60 different apps available. Here’s a few of our favorites:

Writing Music to Writing Code


The three friends behind Zapier met in 2007, but they didn’t meet at a hackathon or a meet-up. Co-founders Bryan Helmig (pictured left) and Wade Foster (pictured middle) were both involved in the local jazz scene in Missouri. Wade, a saxophone player, and Bryan, a guitar player, met co-founder Mike Knoop (pictured right) while working for in Missouri. Co-founder Wade Foster said, “my co-founders and I realized that vendors had a tough time building out lots of integrations and end users were left high and dry when it came to integrations between some of their favorite apps.”

From jamming together to learning programming and launching a company out of Startup Weekend, this team is one to watch. We’re excited to see what’s next with Zapier.