Don’t Reinvent The Wheel: Whispir Helps Developers Deploy Faster

March 31, 2016
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Redundancy is good. Except when you’re writing redundant code. Whispir, and their developers, are not fans of redundant code. They’re into devs spending more time focusing on their strong suits. Whispir hopes to give developers that time back, by offering pre-built communications solutions devs can add on to their existing hacks. Consider it as stacking their lego blocks onto your lego blocks, if lego blocks were made of state dependent logic, database management, and workflow automation.
Use the code “Whispir20” at checkout to get 20 percent off your SIGNAL tickets here.
When you are working on a hack, focus on your strong suits. Someone who is excellent at hardware hacking with an Arduino shouldn’t worry about event triggers. Worry about hacking that Ardunio Shield with a flamethrowing Jack-o-lantern or whatever you’re building.

How Whispir Helps Developers Deploy Apps Faster

“Why build it from the ground up?” says Franco. Instead of git push heroku master every two seconds, you can integrate with Whispir who will manage your backend for scale and logging.
We talked to Whispir – who are sponsoring this year’s SIGNAL Conference – about making life easier for developers, and how they’re using Twilio.