What’s For Lunch? Peach Makes The Decision Easy with Twilio MMS

July 06, 2015
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Eating lunch is easy. Deciding what to eat for lunch is incredibly hard. You peruse Yelp, you consider your favorite spots, you consider the lines that you’ll suffer through at your favorite spots. Peach makes that whole process as simple as sending a text.

Peach aims to put your hemming and hawing to rest in one fell swoop – via Twilio MMS. Peach sends their users a picture of their daily meal offering. To get that delicious meal delivered to their office, all Peach users have to do is reply “YES” via text by a certain time. Right when lunch hour hits, their lunch is delivered.


The impression Peach makes with picture messaging is instantaneous. Hungry people don’t really have the patience to read a thousand word description on a potential meal. With Twilio MMS, Peach can sum up those thousand words in a second.

Peach sends tens of thousands of MMS messages to users each day. To track all of their “YES” replies to orders takes systematic organization. Using Twilio SMS, Peach tracks the replies of confirmations and checks the phone number that replied with the user information on file. When Dave replies “YES” to Peach’s outbound MMS, Peach tracks Dave’s response, pulls up his address and office, and delivers lunch to him right on time.

Peach CPO Chenyu says “SMS / MMS is the most important and immediate alert that you can get on your phone” For Peach, timeliness is essential. The sooner they get replies from users, the sooner they can get to work prepping food to deliver, and making their customers happy.