Vision Mobile Puts Data In Developer’s Hands w/ Developer Economics Survey

April 05, 2013
Written by

Twilio Bug Logo

For developers, data is important but quality data is essential to make strategic decisions and build awesome products. We’re happy to work with Vision Mobile to help drive the latest Developer Economics survey, giving developers the information they need to build successful businesses.

This ten minute survey compiles information on your type of work you’re doing, the size of your team and what you’re building. Your input is invaluable to the report. The more information collected, the higher quality of data to give back to developers.

The goal is to give developers a better sense of what platforms, business models, and teams are succeeding and why. Vision Mobile takes that data and creates valuable resources like white papers, graphs, and reports for developers.
This is the 5th Developer Economics survey from Vision Mobile. You can download previous survey results for free here. To take the survey visit their website here.  The survey will concludes at the end of May and the report will be available in June.