Twilio <3 Beautiful UC Berkeley Campus

March 11, 2009
Written by
Danielle Morrill
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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Evan and I made our way to Berkeley Tuesday afternoon to attend the HKN Startup Fair, where we spoke with over 50 engineering students looking for summer internships.  It was such a beautiful day, and since we had the HD camera in tow it only seemed right to capture some of the trip on video:

Twilio Visit to UC Berkeley – HKN Startup Fair from Twilio on Vimeo.

We were armed with an awesome scrappy banner ( all the way!), a dozen t-shirts, and the video the team shot yesterday.  These guys were beyond excited to snag their Twilio developer shirts, and yes – developing with Twilio will make you feel like a superhero, too!

On Monday we made a quick and simple video to help explain how Twilio works. A few people even remarked that this video, which was playing on repeat at the booth, was a bit hypnotizing:

Hello World – Starting Out with Twilio from Twilio on Vimeo.

If you’re looking for a summer internship as a software engineer, we are accepting resumes at It was great to meet everyone yesterday, and thanks to the Life360 team for showing us around! You can find these videos and more from Twilio on our Vimeo page.