Twitter Mashups: WSDOT, Music Monday, Group Call

January 28, 2010
Written by

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We ran the Twilio + Twitter mashup category for two weeks and awarded three winners, and can't wait to feature many more submissions from this extremely popular category.

Week #1 – WSDOT Twitter Voice Reports by Wayne Dyck

read more on our blog

If you are a Twitter user, you can receive automated voice calls for wait times at Washington State Ferries terminals and northbound Canadian border crossings by sending a direct message to @wsdot.
You can send a direct message either from Twitter or from your phone
via SMS. Include the terminal or border route id, and the phone number
you would like to receive the call back on, and we'll send it to you.

Week #2 – Group Call by Tim Lytle

read more on our blog

GroupCall allows twitter users to host and manage a group conference
call with a few simple clicks. Designed for group instruction, where
one user speaks and the audience comments/participates via twitter. The
call owners can unmute other participants if desired.

Week #2 – Music Monday by Mike Ivanov

Music Monday is the long-running tradition of posting your favorite
songs on Twitter so that others can discover interesting new music.  My
app lets you listen to tweets that contain MP3s.  You can skip songs
you don't like so much, and it keeps a list of everything that was
played and what you liked.