TwilioQuest and the #100DaysOfCode
Time to read: 2 minutes

Code for at least one hour each day for 100 consecutive days. This is the deceptively simple premise of the #100DaysOfCode challenge.
#100DaysOfCode is a great way to finish projects that would otherwise languish, but it isn’t easy. There are days when an hour feels like 59 minutes and 59 seconds longer than you can possibly focus on your current project. Pushing yourself even on those days is part of the process. However, keeping the streak alive doesn’t always require banging your head against the wall.
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could take a break, play a game, and keep your 100 days going? TwilioQuest to the rescue!
TwilioQuest is a video game where you write code that interacts with real-world services. Here are a few of the ways TwilioQuest can support you during your 100-day journey.
Your first or fiftieth API
For a newer programmer, you may be confused by the concept of interacting with a REST API. As a more experienced developer, you may not have used a REST API that connects your code to the billions of phones across the planet.
By completing a TwilioQuest mission, you will have successfully written enough code to interact with one of several Twilio APIs. TwilioQuest’s API missions allow you to:
- Send automated SMS messages
- Respond to phone calls with AI
- Programatically send emails
- Create video apps
- Explore the world of IoT (hardware required)
You can accomplish any of these tasks with a few hours of coding and gameplay.
Grokking a programming language
TwilioQuest isn’t just Twilio. Python and JavaScript are two of the most commonly used programming languages today. You can learn the basics of both with TwilioQuest. You’ll set up a development environment and create files on your computer that you can review. This means that your work is always on your machine and not hidden away in a magic browser-based service. Even if you’re an experienced programmer, learning another language will make you a better one.
Understanding Git and GitHub
“Git is the least confusing, most intuitive technology I’ve ever used. It made sense right away,” no one ever.
Do forking, cloning, branching, and making pull requests confuse you? You’re not alone. I avoided making open-source contributions for longer than I care to admit. The Git dance required moves I didn’t have, and I couldn’t coordinate the steps without a chance to practice them.
TwilioQuest has an entire mission dedicated to making your first open-source contribution using Git, GitHub, and the Gitflow common among many open-source projects. Don’t let Git be a hurdle in your learning journey for as long as I did. Really, by the time you finish the mission, you will have made a fully merged contribution to an open-source project.
Get started
To start your 100 days, check out the article, Join the #100DaysOfCode on freeCodeCamp. To begin exploring TwilioQuest, download the game for Mac, Windows, or Linux.
TwilioQuest is a great way to keep your momentum going as you take on the #100DaysOfCode challenge. With enough content to keep you busy for at least 20 of those 100 days—and more to come—you’ll be well on your way to becoming a better programmer. What you do with the other 80 days is sure to be amazing too, and we’ll see what you’re up to on Twitter while we venture along our #100DaysOfCode.
Wade Christensen is a Developer Educator at Twilio. You can find him on Twitter: @astuteape, GitHub: @astuteape, or through email:
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