Announcing TwilioCon Keynote Speaker Tim O’Reilly

September 09, 2013
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Tim O’Reilly is a man of many hats. He’s founder, a CEO, an open source advocate, an author, and an investor. If there’s one thread tying together his different roles, it’s his desire to connect brilliant minds through communication. We’re delighted to have Tim as a featured keynote speaker at this year’s TwilioCon.

When Tim O’Reilly first launched O’Reilly Media in 1973, he was unsure how to pitch his company’s mission statement. They published technical guides, eventually giving [animal] faces to once obscure languages like Perl and Unix. But, O’Reilly set his sights on far more than just publishing, adopting the motto “create more value than you capture.”

O’Reilly has put that mantra to action, fighting against patents that stifle developer creativity, organizing the Open Source Convention, and investing in startups that promote the next wave of open software. Now, O’Reilly is focused on how digital publishing platforms can be used to communicate data and harness collective intelligence.

This year’s TwilioCon focuses on the DOers expanding the future of communications. Tim is an active supporter of the civic minded DOers at Code For America. As a member of Code For America’s Board of Directors, O’Reilly works to empower CFA fellows and supporters. His insights into thinking of the government as a platform for both code and change help guide Code for America’s projects.

We can’t wait to see what’s next for the company, and what Tim’s keynote has in store.

Read more about TwilioCon Keynote Speakers

Register for TwilioCon here.

[Photo courtesy of Wired]