TwilioCon 2012 Announces Keynote Steve Blank, New Speakers

August 10, 2012
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We are excited to announce keynote speaker Steve Blank, a serial-entrepreneur, successful author and appointed “Master of Innovation.” Steve’s experience in Silicon Valley, along with his rich insight to entrepreneurship is revered worldwide. He has published multiple books about customer development, building early-stage startups and most recently, The Startup Owner’s Manual.

We are also pleased to add three more speakers to the roster: Delyn Simons, VP of Developer Platform at Mashery; Phil Leggetter, Developer Evangelist at Pusher; Adam Wilson, Co-Founder and Chief Architect of Software at Orbotix. You can read more about these industry innovators below.

Register now to join developers, DOers and entrepreneur at TwilioCon 2012, the cloud communications event of the year, happening in San Francisco on October 16th-18th.

Learn More About The Speakers:

Steve Blank

Steve Blank is a retired eight-time serial entrepreneur. Steve’s insight that startups are not small versions of large companies is helping reshape the way startups are built, and how entrepreneurship is taught.  His observation that large companies execute business models, but startups search for them, led him to realize that startups need their own tools.

Steve’s first tool for startups, the Customer Development methodology, spawned the Lean Startup movement. The fundamentals of Customer Development are detailed in Blank’s first book, The Four Steps to the Epiphany (2003), which is considered required reading among entrepreneurs, investors and established companies throughout the world.

Delyn Simons

Delyn Simons
has been working directly with API developers building web and mobile applications for 7 years. Now at Mashery, Delyn brings remarkable knowledge of developer outreach and platform strategies that help companies who are looking to extend the reach of their top brands and businesses.

Phil Leggetter

Phil Leggetter is a Developer Evangelist at Pusher, a realtime web software. Phil has been developing and using realtime web technologies for over 10 years. His focus is to help people use these technologies to build the next generation of interactive and engaging realtime web applications.

Adam Wilson

Adam Wilson, the founder and chief software architect at Orbotix (makers of Sphero), attended the University of Northern Colorado and graduated with dual degrees in Mathematics and Physics. He has years of experience building custom software and worked in penetration testing for RMSTek – a true hacker at heart. He was involved in a NASA project with internet controlled robotics when he left to get rolling with TechStars and Orbotix.