Get Started with Twilio Voice: Say a Message & Greet Caller By Name Quickstart Screencasts
Time to read: 1 minute

In this first Voice Quickstart Screencast, you will learn how to a message, which gives you access to a powerful text-to-speech engine that can be used for notifications or saying dynamic text that you cannot pre-record.
In the second Voice Quickstart Screencast, you will learn how to Greet a Caller By Name which allows you to take a step further and generate dynamic speech based on a variable.
If you are new to Twilio, I recommend watching the first screencast to familiarize yourself with the basics of purchasing a phone number and replying to an SMS message via TwiML.
Revisit Twilio SMS Quickstart Screencasts
Get Started with Twilio SMS: Receiving Incoming Text Messages
Get Started With Twilio SMS: Replying to Incoming Messages
Get Started With Twilio SMS: Sending SMS Messages
Get Started With Twilio SMS: SMS Conversations and Messages within a Call
You can reach me at or @jonmarkgo on Twitter with feedback or requests so that I can continue to refine and improve the screencasts over the course of the series.
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