Twilio teams up with Zappos for API Hack-a-Long Contest

December 14, 2011
Written by
Meghan Murphy
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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The holidays are upon us which means shopping, e-commerce and lots of gifting, so it only makes sense for us to team up

with our friends at Zappos during their Hackathon Hack-a-Long contest. Build an app that falls under the theme of “gifting”, mashing the new Zappos API with Twilio’s API for epic developer street cred and prizes. Want to include more bang with your app? Check out Rovi, TokBox, SendGrid and Context IO APIs to really crank it up a notch. And if you happened to build an app for our Hack Till You Drop Shopify contest from last week, try mashing that app with the Zappos API. Double the contest, double the cred.

Your entry will be judged by Zappos employees, everyone from the executive team (Hi Tony!) to the Customer Loyalty Team will get to play with your apps and vote on the winners. The winner chosen by Twilio (using the Twilio API) will receive a Kindle Fire.

The official categories are:

  • Best Overall Application
  • Most Fun and Weird Application
  • Best Mash-up Application (integrating other APIs or apps)

Read the whole run down on the Zappos Developer Blog. For more information on eligibility and how to enter see here.

This contest ends Friday afternoon at 5pm PST so get cracking and have fun. Email if you have any questions.