Twilio SMS Lands in Canada

December 13, 2011
Written by
Meghan Murphy
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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Developers have been requesting SMS functionality for phone numbers and locations around the world, and today we’re proud to deliver the next country for our SMS product: Canada!

Until now Twilio SMS has only been available in the U.S. using local ten digit phone numbers to send and receive text messages.  As of today, newly purchased Canadian numbers will also be able to send and receive texts as well, reducing international text messaging fees between U.S. and Canadian numbers, which was a big pain point for Canadian developers and their users. Current Canadian numbers are automatically enabled.

Success Stories with Canadian SMS

We have some amazing Twilio customers in Canada and below are a few highlights of what’s been shaking across the northern border.

Guardly is the first mobile personal safety system that instantly connects you to family, friends and authorities with just
 one tap in an emergency. Powered by Twilio, Guardly will send emergency voice and SMS alerts to your selected recipients, including an auto-dial to 911. Based in Toronto, the team is really excited to continue innovating with the Canadian SMS API.

RandomType, based in Calgary, provides creative communication
solutions for companies of all sizes. Powered by Twilio, RandomType executed an SMS solution at an event that collected over 100 emails in just five minutes. The team is ready to expand on their solutions using the Canadian SMS capabilities.

We can’t wait to see what our neighbor’s to the North build, and watch our current Canadian customers continue to expand their products.

Canadian SMS in the News

Read more about how Twilio’s new Canadian SMS service is being received by press, bloggers and influencers in Canada: