Taking Customer Success To Your City: Join Us On The Engineering The Customer Experience Roadshow

April 15, 2014
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Customer experience is everything to your business. Without the right set of software tools and the right mindset, it’s impossible to meet your customers’ expectations and keep up with the market. The Engineering The Customer Experience Roadshow is coming to your backyard to give you the technical training, industry insight and software focused communication solutions you need to keep your customers happy

Starting May 13th, we’re hitting the road with Forrester Research, LiveOps, SendHub, OneReach, and Google to teach you how to streamline business communications, skip time-consuming carrier negotiations, and avoiding using old-school hardware that doesn’t scale to your business needs.

“Today’s mobile and social customers expect simple, immediate, in-context interactions. Armed with the mobility and freedom of mobile applications, customers aren’t the least bit hesitant to cut ties with firms that don’t provide them.” says Phil Murphy of Forrester Research, Inc.

Grab Your Ticket

Spaces are limited. Register before May 5th, and use the promo code CXRoadshow to save 50% off of the $99 ticket. Here’s where we’re headed:

The Customer Experience Roadshow Schedule – What To Expect

Each roadshow will feature a half day workshop where you’ll gain market insight from thought leaders like Forrester Research, and hear from Twilio customers who use software communications to empower their customers everyday.


The day before each roadshow, we will have Partner Training, to cover common Twilio-powered use cases, best practices, and application design principles. At the end of a hands-on training, you’ll know how to use the Twilio API to send and receive texts and calls, even from your browser.

We can’t wait to see you on the road. Register here before May 5th, and use promocode CXRoadshow to get 50% off your ticket. Stay tuned to the Twilio blog and the hashtag #CXRoadshow for the latest updates on where we’ll be, content and roadshow news.