Twilio on Stack Overflow Documentation
Time to read: 1 minute

As a developer, you quickly learn that your ability to excel (or maybe function at all) is strongly correlated with your Google-fu.
Personally, when working across multiple programming languages and platforms, the exact incantation I need to display a UIAlertController or store an HTTP response in a cache is not found in the 32 kilobytes of RAM between my ears. So I turn to Google to fill in the gaps. And Google, in turn, turns to Stack Overflow. Chances are good that the right Stack Overflow answer will reward me with a chunk of code or a pointer I require to continue with my task.
That’s why I was so excited to learn about Stack Overflow Documentation. The focus of this new member of the Stack Overflow family is providing code examples and written guides that demonstrate how to get things done with the tools and programming languages you use every day.
How You Can Participate in Stack Overflow Documentation
Twilio already provides documentation resources that we hope will help you get started and get finished with our API.
- Quickstarts will help you quickly get acquainted with Twilio’s APIs
- Tutorials step through full sample apps that show how Twilio is used in production
- API Reference dives deep into the parameters and outputs of each Twilio API
However, it’s unlikely that we could provide examples of how to do everything Twilio can do in every programming language (although we’ll do our best). Stack Overflow documentation allows the real Twilio experts (read: you) to help fill in the gaps, and provide that example of how to submit call quality feedback in Scala or Haskell.
So we invite all of you to join with us to help curate a rich set of examples that go beyond the core docs using Twilio’s Stack Overflow documentation tag. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!
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Twilio Docs
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API reference documentation, SDKs, helper libraries, quickstarts, and tutorials for your language and platform.
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