Giving Mobile Developers The Tools They Need: Twilio Joins FbStart

October 28, 2015
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There’s a whole lot of owl drawing to be done when you’re launching a mobile app. In the massive app landscape, it’s up to you to find your niche, fill it, and ship an excellent product. Doing that takes a tremendous amount of work, and the right set of tools. Today, we’re happy to join the FbStart program, with help from the TwilioFund, to give developers the tools they need to launch and scale their apps.

Drawing The Owl Means Having The Right Tools To Do So

The massive owl mural a wall here at Twilio HQ is not (solely) for decoration. This mantra, Draw The Owl, means that you solve hard problems even when there’s no manual or instructions on how to do so. That probably sounds familiar if you’re building a mobile app company.

Our partnership with FbStart helps you spend less time hunting down the services you need, and spend less money using them.

The TwilioFund program has partnered with fBStart to allow mobile developers to get ramped up on Twilio faster. FbStart’s program has three tiers for companies at different stages of their growth. We’re happy to offer credits personalized to each different tier:

  • Pre-Launch: $250
  • BootStrap: $750
  • Accelerate: $2,500

If you’re new to Twilio take a look at our docs, and peruse our libraries for your favorite language. Questions? We’re here to help at @twilio.

Stock Up Your Toolbelt

“The TwilioFund aims to support the growing mobile and web ecosystem. Twilio joining the fbstart program provides mobile developers a great avenue to work with Twilio tools, and other tools on the FbStart platform,” said Thomas Spengler, who helps lead the TwilioFund.

We’re excited to join a suite of leading tech companies in supporting new mobile app companies.  Dropbox, SurveyMonkey, Animoto and TwinPrime also joined FbStart today.

Apply to FbStart here and keep us posted on how your company is using Twilio. We can’t wait to see what you build.