Twilio Client SDKs now supports Safari
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If you’re on a Mac or building an application for customers who use Safari, we have good news. With version 11.0, Safari began supporting WebRTC, making it ubiquitous for all major browsers. And with this support, the latest version of the Twilio Client JavaScript SDK also includes support for Safari.
With the last major browser covered – WebRTC was already supported on Chrome, Firefox, Opera, iOS, and Android – developers can now consider WebRTC a de facto standard for voice and video communications on the web.
Here are a few ideas of what you can do with Twilio Client:
Click to call – If you’re a retailer or have a customer support page, why not let your customer call you directly from that page instead of dialing the phone? Now that Client supports Safari, you can be sure you will support virtually every customer who might want to call you, from anywhere in the world.
CRM dialers – Build a calling widget directly into your CRM system for sales representatives or support staff so they can call customers directly from the browser.
Conference calling – Add callers to a conference call directly from their browser. Just provide a link that dials the conference and shows the call status on the page. Or make it a video call with the Twilio Programmable Video SDKs to add in screen sharing, recordings, and more.
These are just a few of the projects you can build with the Twilio Programmable Voice API and Client SDKs. If you’re ready to try it out, log in to your account or create a free Twilio account.
We can’t wait to see what you build.
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