This Week's (Mini) Contest – Exploring the History of the Telephone

February 25, 2010
Written by
Danielle Morrill
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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We’ve tested over 100 applications submitted to our developer contest in the past 3 weeks since the Twilio SMS API launched.  Thank you to everyone who has jumped in an participated in this contest, we’ve had a lot of debate among the judges about which applications should win and it is never easy to pick winners when there is much creativity and innovation.

We announced Meet Gatsby as the winner of Week #1, and we will be announcing the Week #2 winner later today.

New Contest: History of the Telephone Videos

Since it is already Thursday, we are announcing a “mini-contest” of sorts for this week, with the deadline still on this Sunday, Feb. 28th, at midnight.  We are challenging you to create a 3-5 minute long video about some aspect of the history of the telephone.  Make your own content, or mashup what you find online, and make sure to upload it to YouTube with “Rediscover the Telephone” in the title.

Think this sounds boring?  Check out some of the videos we dug up on YouTube for inspiration:



Photo credit: ABC Archives