This Week's Contest: Halloween Apps with Twilio [Week #23]

October 26, 2009
Written by
Danielle Morrill
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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The Twilio developer contest is going strong, and we’ve had a bunch of serious contest categories lately and we’ll be announcing the winners of last week’s Twilio for E-commerce category shortly.

With the holidays getting under way we thought it would be fun to explore how Twilio can be a part of this year’s Halloween celebrations.  Whether you’re in it for the candy, costumes, scary stories or crazy parties there is a Twilio app just begging to be built.  We started brainstorming ideas and here’s what we’ve come up with so far:

Happy Halloween – send your Halloween wishes to friends and family with voice broadcast

Trick or Treat by phone – press 1 for a trick, press 2 for a treat?  Maybe have people leave creepy anonymous messages for each other, or use click-to-call to generate calls from a website?

Dial My Costume – how would you integrate a phone number into your costume?

Dial My Pumpkin(s) – how would you integrate a phone number into your jack-o-lanterns?

Creepy Voicemail – use call forwarding to replace your voicemail with something creepy on halloween night (maybe a call to the city morgue?)

Keep the Kids Safe – are you kids going to be out and about trick-or-treating on Halloween?  Set up a neighborhood phone tree or toll free hotline that kids and parents can use to stay safe.

We’re still cooking up more ideas, but if you’ve built something you want to share don’t wait – submit early and we’ll post the funniest, geekiest, and coolest submissions here on our blog.

Photo credit: fabbio