The Full Stack Python Guide to Deployments: A New Book By Matt Makai

July 31, 2015
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Before joining Twilio, Matt Makai, our San Francisco-based Developer Evangelist, drove across America on a ronin-type quest to learn more about coding from fellow software developers about his favorite language – Python.

He coded at coffee shops, spoke at Python meetups and met with Python developers all over the United States. He spoke at conferences and was asked many of the same Python-related questions about building and deploying web applications.

Out of his experience talking to fellow Pythonistas, Matt created Full Stack Python to answer the common questions that came up over and over again. After 3 years of running the site, Matt decided he needed to dive a bit deeper and get down to the specific steps involved int deploying Python web apps. He’s back from the depths, and he’s got a new 200 page book with 10 chapters of highly technical content, The Full Stack Python Guide to Deployments.

The Full Stack Python Guide to Deployments is out this week in two forms. You can:

  1. Grab the e-book
  2. Grab the e-book with some bonus rad content from Full Stack Python

Head on over to to get your copy today.