Thanks to Vuurr, Twilio Conference Sponsor

September 18, 2011
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Jonathan Kressaty of Vuurr is no stranger to Twilio. He’s built companies on top of Twilio, such as Betwext, and knows our APIs like the back of his hand. When we found out he was starting a digital ad agency, we were ecstatic.

Vuurr is a digital architecture and development powerhouse with metric-driven follow through. In their own words,

“The current interactive agency model will have you believe that results come from touchy-feely emotions, grandiose ideas, and a whole host of other un-measurable things. We prefer to speak in numbers. Our development, SEO, SEM, and digital consulting services deliver optimal campaign performance for maximum return on investment. Campaigns are fluid, dynamic, and accompanied by quantifiable results and our understanding of technology is enough to make your current agency quiver in fear. If you want high-performance marketing, you’re in the right place.”

We can’t wait to see all the cool integrations they come up with for their clients! Thanks, Vuurr, for being a Twilio Conference sponsor!