Thanks to Salesforce, Twilio Conference Gold Sponsor

September 17, 2011
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How could we possibly have a conference without our good friends over at Salesforce (the hosts of the cloud computing conference of the year)?

Actually we couldn’t! As you may already know, Twilio and Salesforce go to together like Ruby and Redbull; as a trusted leader in cloud computing, with super easy integration with existing tools, programming languages, and databases, and no long term contracts or commitments, Salesforce is everything we love in a company. In fact, Salesforce has been an integral element in some of the most successful Twilio projects  we’ve seen. Which is why we were completely stoked when they offered to be a Gold Sponsor for the Twilio Conference!

Getting Acquainted With Salesforce:

New to Salesforce? No problem! If you’re looking for something to fit your business and not quite sure where to start, they’ve got a page just for you that walks you through finding exactly what fits your needs best., in their own words, “is the enterprise cloud computing company that is leading the shift to the Social EnterpriseTM—helping companies connect to customers and employees like never before.” The company’s platform and CRM applications have revolutionized the way companies collaborate and communicate with their customers for sales and customer service.

Check out a quick CRM Overview Demo below:


Salesforce is responsible for such invaluable apps and platforms as:

Just to name a few tools which are designed for employees, customers, and integration into the cloud database. Sign up for a 30-day free trial over on their website!

As you can see, Salesforce offers products and solutions for a wide range of needs. Almost anything one can think of needing to improve sales, apps, service, etc. has been thoroughly covered. Impressed? We are.