Thanks to Intro, Twilio Conference Sponsor

September 18, 2011
Written by
Meghan Grady
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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Not only is Intro generously sponsoring the Twilio Conference, they will also be extending their services to all of our conference speakers!  Intro provides conference presenters with a simple way to meet and follow up with their audience.  Instead of exchanging contact information, Intro provides the speaker with a short, session-specific code, such as “TWL01” that he can give out to his audience.  The audience members can then text that code to a 5-digit number in order to establish contact with the presenter.  Once contact has been made, there are a wealth of opportunities available for the presenter and audience members to pursue.

The Intro tools make it easy to meet, prioritize, and respond to contacts.  When using Intro code, an audience member will find a form that allows her to ask questions, request a copy of the presentation, take notes, send a review, or join the conversation on twitter about the specific session.  If the audience member asks a question, it will be sent to the presenter’s mobile device and Intro profile page.  Intro also provides many benefits to the presenter.  Through the use of the Intro code, the presenter can gather contact information, engage the audience in realtime, prioritize follow-ups, promote the presentation on Twitter, and gather feedback.

Thanks, Intro!