Thanks to Beenverified, Twilio Conference Sponsor

September 18, 2011
Written by
Meghan Grady
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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BeenVerified provides affordable, easy to access public records and people search information through a website and a mobile phone application for both iPhone and Android platforms.  BeenVerified’s mission is to make public records easy, affordable, and accurate for everyone.  The goal is to provide instant access to the information necessary to make smart decisions about the people and businesses that one may interact with online or offline.

BeenVerified Features

BeenVerified uses the public record to provide the user with simple reports and searches: background checks, property reports, social searches, reverse phone lookups, and people searches.  The public record data is comprised of criminal records, property records, social network accounts, and more.  In the mobile app, which allows three free checks per week, running a background check on any of your phone contacts is just a click away.  If you need to run more searches or reports, you can pay monthly to upgrade your account.

BeenVerified API

In addition to building their own apps, BeenVerified offers an API to provide developers with a means of utilizing the public record and people search information.  The BeenVerified API has been built into many applications for career hunting and dating.  One such app, The Sex Offender Tracker, locates registered sex offenders based on geolocation.

Have a laugh at this commercial for The Sex Offender Tracker:  [youtube][/youtube]

Thanks to Been Verified for being a Twilio Conference sponsor!