Sketchnotes: TwilioCon 2011 Through a Pencil’s Eye

December 28, 2011
Written by
Meghan Murphy
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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Alexis Finch has a special eye when it comes to tech talks and presentations, and she translates them into amazingly detailed Sketchnotes. Highlighting top items from a presentation, Alexis captures the high level thoughts and gives them to us in an awesome visual form. Check out her Sketchnotes below from this year’s Twilio Conference 2011.

Adrian McDermott talks Zendesk

Adrian McDermott, VP of Engineering at Zendesk, discusses Zendesk’s challenges and successes in scaling, plus an in-depth look at building Zendesk Voice.

Oren Jacob talks Pixar

Oren Jacob, former CTO at Pixar, discusses life at Pixar, the brilliance of its culture and how to build tools that developers love.

We’re looking forward to seeing what Alexis is drawing next. See more TwilioCon Sketchnotes on Alexis’ blog GraphiteMind including those from the talks of Jolie O’Dell, Steve Klabnik, and David Weekly. If you want to learn how to create your own Sketchnotes, Alexis is teaching a class in San Francisco this month, read more. 

Alexis has been doodling and scribbling her way through lectures since highschool, being one of the lucky few never to have been told there was a ‘right way’ to take notes. She now works to make opaque topics in technology [and beyond] memorable and easy to understand through humor and metaphor. When not wielding a pencil, she freelances as a UX/Human Factors/Brand Strategist. Follow Alexis on Twitter @AgentFin.