SIGNAL London is coming!
Time to read: 2 minutes

In under a month SIGNAL London will be upon us. Now in its second year we’ll have more talks, more hands on learning and, with the code, games and installations of $bash at the after party, more fun.
If that’s enough to get you excited, then go grab yourself a ticket and I’ll see you in London on the 19th September. Pop in the promo code PNASH20 and you’ll get 20% off the ticket price too.
If you need a little more convincing, let me share with you some of the sessions I’m most looking forward to.
What’s on the schedule?
If you’re new to Twilio then you won’t want to miss Nichole Wong and Devang Sachdev introducing what can you do with Twilio.

For the security conscious amongst you, we have B Byrne to tell us about the future of two factor authentication in a world where the SS7 protocol for SMS messages is vulnerable to attack. Joining us from Transferwise, Artyom Fedenka and Edward Dowling will be telling us how they move billions around the world securely with Twilio 2FA.

Since learning about it, I’ve been fascinated with the power that WebRTC can give us to truly change communications. Twilio’s Anna Vasilko and Raul Benitez will share how they’ve been building WebRTC-based Video for quality and scale and WebRTC industry heavyweight Tsahi Levent-Levi will cover automated testing for WebRTC products.

The internet of things may be taking over, but time and time again security seems to be the last thing on the minds of manufacturers. Not for Tim Panton though, he’ll be telling us how to solve IoT security. ZhiCheng Miao and Andres Jaan Tack will also be sharing how to use Twilio Wireless and Twilio Runtime to build a serverless internet of things.

Machine Learning is creeping into everything we do in software these days. Twilio’s automated speech recognition that we launched at SIGNAL SF earlier this year is powered by Google’s machine learning platform and Cloud Speech API. In London we’re fortunate to be hearing from Laurent Picard from the Google Cloud Platform team on how to revolutionise customer experience with machine learning. From we have Sahil Dua to tell us how they serve deep learning model predictions at scale.

Finally I’m looking forward to a couple of talks that cover social impact in different communities. Richard Holland, Matt Haworth and’s Erin Reilly will be taking a look at how Age UK uses Twilio Voice to combat loneliness among older people. With a look toward our own open source and developer communities, Sasha Romijn will be looking at how to foster healthy minds in a healthy environment.

…and much much more!
I couldn’t list out the entire schedule for you, those are just my highlights. You can check out all the speakers and the full schedule on the SIGNAL London site.
Don’t forget, we’ll also be bringing new product announcements, a whole track dedicated to hands on learning with SuperClass and $bash to round out the whole day.
So go get yourself a ticket, use the promo code PNASH20 for 20% off and I will see you in London, in September at SIGNAL!
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