SideBox Takes First Place By Making It Rain With Twilio Client
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“Internet Awesome” Sales With Smarter Landing Pages
Landing pages are an important tool many high powered marketing organizations use for their online and offline campaigns, but often services professionals have neither the time nor the tools to leverage them effectively. SideBox’s Campaign Call Center brings this valuable sales driver within the reach of a small service organization by doing three key things.
First, it makes creating landing pages easy. Businesses can choose from a variety of conversion-oriented templates and create custom Twilio-powered telephone numbers for each campaign. The pages are beefy with features, sporting tracking, geolocation and social functionality.
Next, the Campaign Call Center connects the user visiting the landing page with a human being with an uber-slick Click-to-Call feature. Twilio Client connects a visitor interested in the campaign directly to the business’ customer service organization, giving the customer service agent a screen pop with the customer’s data for faster, consumer friendly experience – all within the browser.
Finally, Barry and Billy track the entire customer experience, allowing businesses to A/B test their landing pages and track conversion effectiveness to keep the best and ditch the rest with confidence. The Campaign Call Center is a serious shot in the arm for small business sales in a single, easy-to-use package.
Check out the entire list of features in this impressive submission with their helpful screencast:
Making It Hail with a Rainmaker App
We’re showering the SideBox crew with some serious hardware for their contest win. Barry and Billy get a Twilio Timbuk2 Messenger to stash all the new invoices that will be coming their way. They’ll also get free passes to Twilio in San Francisco next week September 21st and 22nd, plus $100 in Twilio credit to fuel Campaign Call Center. And, of course, they continue development on their winning entry on a brand spanking new 11-inch Macbook Air.
Want in on the fun? Our health-focused developer contest has one week left – show off how you can keep fit using Twilio Client and you can pick up your own bag of tasty Twilio swag. Enter by clicking here.
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