How to Send Messages Between WhatsApp and Slack Using Twilio and CakePHP

June 03, 2024
Written by
Popoola Temitope
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How to Send Messages Between WhatsApp and Slack Using Twilio and CakePHP

Efficient communication across multiple platforms is crucial for businesses and teams, as it enhances workflow and ensures that important information is shared seamlessly.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to send messages from WhatsApp to a Slack channel using the Twilio WhatsApp API.


To proceed with this tutorial, ensure that you have the following:

Create a Slack app

Let's set up a Slack API app that will allow the CakePHP application to interact with Slack channels. To do so, log in to your Slack API dashboard and click on the Create an App button, as shown in the screenshot below.

A modal box will pop up asking you to select the app configuration method. Click on the From scratch option, as shown in the screenshot below.

Next, you will be prompted to name the app and choose a Slack workspace. Enter the app name and select your workspace, as shown in the screenshot below.

If your workspace is not displayed, you can add it by clicking on the Sign into a different workspace option.

Create a new CakePHP application

Now, let’s start creating the CakePHP application. To do that, open your terminal and navigate to the directory where you want to create the project. Then, run the command below.

composer create-project --prefer-dist cakephp/app:~5.0 slack_application

When the installation is complete, you will be prompted with "Set Folder Permissions? (Default to Y) [Y, n]?". Then, answer "Y" to set the folder permissions. 

Install the Twilio PHP Helper Library

For the application to interact with the Twilio WhatsApp API, you next need to install the Twilio PHP Helper Library using the command below:

cd slack_application
composer require twilio/sdk

Next, run the command below to start the application development server listening on port 8765.

bin/cake server

Configure the Slack app webhook settings

Now, let's configure the Slack app to allow external applications to post messages into the workspace channel. To do so, from the created Slack app menu, click on Incoming Webhooks. Then, enable the Activate Incoming Webhooks option and click on the Add New Webhook to Workspace button, as shown in the screenshot below.

Next, you will be required to select the channel to which you want to send messages. Go ahead and select the appropriate channel. Then, click on the Allow button to grant the application access to the channel, as shown in the screenshot below.

At the bottom of the Incoming Webhooks page which you'll see next, you will see the generated webhook URL for the application, as shown in the screenshot below.

Retrieve your Twilio credentials

To retrieve your Twilio access credentials, log in to your Twilio console dashboard. Under the Account Info section, you will see your Account SID and Auth Token, as shown in the screenshot below.

Store the application's configuration settings

To store the Slack access token and Twilio access credentials within the CakePHP application's environment variables, you need to create a .env file from .env.example inside the config folder. You can do this by running the command below in a new terminal session or tab:

cp config/.env.example config/.env

Now, open the project folder in your code editor, navigate to the config folder, and open the .env file. Inside the file, add the following environment variables.


Replace <actual_slack_webhook_url> with your actual Slack webhook URL, and <actual_account_sid> and <actual_auth_token> with your corresponding Twilio values.

Next, let's load the environment variables from the .env file into the application's environment using the josegonzalez\Dotenv library. To do this, open the config/bootstrap.php file and uncomment the following code:

if (!env('APP_NAME') && file_exists(CONFIG . '.env')) {
    $dotenv = new \josegonzalez\Dotenv\Loader([CONFIG . '.env']);

Connect to the Twilio WhatsApp Sandbox

To configure Twilio WhatsApp, navigate from your Twilio Console dashboard to Explore Products > Messaging > Try it out > Send a WhatsApp message, following the steps shown in the screenshot below.

Next, follow the stated instructions by sending the join message to the displayed Twilio WhatsApp number from your own device's WhatsApp number, as shown in the screenshot below.

Now, let's add the Twilio WhatsApp number to the environment variables.  To do that, add the following line of code to the .env file, replacing the <twilio_whatsapp_number> placeholder with your actual Twilio WhatsApp number (the value of the From field).


Create the application's core controller

Now, let’s create a controller that receives incoming messages from WhatsApp and sends the messages to the nominated Slack channel. To create the controller, run the command below.

bin/cake bake controller SendSlackMessage --no-actions

The command above will generate a controller file inside the src/Controller directory named SendSlackMessageController.php. Navigate to this directory, open the file, then update it with the following code.


namespace App\Controller;

use Cake\Http\Client;
use Twilio\Rest\Client as TwilioClient;

class SendSlackMessageController extends AppController
    public function receiveMessage()
        $postData = $this->request->getData();
        $WhatsApp_message = $postData['Body'] ?? '';
        $fromNumber = $postData['WaId'] ?? '';
        $webhookUrl = env('SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL');
        $twilioSid = env('TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID');
        $twilioToken = env('TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN');
        $twilioWhatsAppNumber = env('TWILIO_WHATSAPP_NUMBER');
        $message = [
            'text' =>  $WhatsApp_message
        $http = new Client();
        $response = $http->post($webhookUrl, json_encode($message), [
            'type' => 'json'
        if ($response->isOk()) {
            $responseMessage = 'Message sent to Slack successfully.';
            $status ='success';
        } else {
            $responseMessage = 'Failed to send message to Slack.';
        $twilioClient = new TwilioClient($twilioSid, $twilioToken);
                'from' => "whatsapp:".$twilioWhatsAppNumber,
                'body' => 'Your message has been sent to Slack.'
        $this->autoRender = false;
        $this->response = $this->response->withType('application/json')
            ->withStringBody(json_encode(['status' => $status, 'message' => $responseMessage]));
        return $this->response;

In the controller code above, we use the receiveMessage() method to handle incoming WhatsApp messages. The message is then sent to the Slack channel using CakePHP's HTTP client. Once the message is successfully sent to Slack, a success message is sent to the sender's WhatsApp number.

Set up the application's route

To configure the application's sole route, navigate to the config folder and open routes.php. Inside the file, locate $routes->scope() and add the following code before $builder->fallbacks().

$builder->connect('/receive-whatsapp-message', ['controller' => 'SendSlackMessage', 'action' => 'receiveMessage']);

Since the CakePHP application is an API endpoint, it is advisable to disable CSRF security. To do this, navigate to the src folder, open the Application.php file, and update the middleware() method with the following code.

public function middleware(MiddlewareQueue $middlewareQueue): MiddlewareQueue
        ->add(new ErrorHandlerMiddleware(Configure::read('Error'), $this))
        ->add(new AssetMiddleware([
            'cacheTime' => Configure::read('Asset.cacheTime'),
        ->add(new RoutingMiddleware($this))
        ->add(new BodyParserMiddleware());
        // ->add(new CsrfProtectionMiddleware([
        //     'httponly' => true,
        // ]));

    return $middlewareQueue;

Set up a Twilio WhatsApp webhook

A Twilio WhatsApp webhook is a URL endpoint on your application server that Twilio uses to send HTTP requests containing information about incoming messages and events from WhatsApp. To set up the Twilio WhatsApp webhook, first make the CakePHP application accessible over the internet using Ngrok. To do that, run the command below in your terminal.

ngrok http http://localhost:8765

Then copy the generated Forwarding URL from the terminal, as shown in the screenshot below.

Next, on the Twilio Try WhatsApp page, click on the Sandbox Settings option, and set the sandbox configuration as follows.

  • When a message comes in: paste the ngrok Forwarding URL and append /receive-whatsapp-message

  • Method: POST

After that, click on the Save button to save the sandbox configuration, as shown in the screenshot below.

Test the application

To test the application, send a message from your WhatsApp number to the Twilio number, as shown in the screenshot below.

After sending the message, go to your Slack workspace. Under your selected channel, you will see the message sent from WhatsApp, as shown in the screenshot below.

That is how to send messages from WhatsApp to Slack using Twilio and CakePHP

In this tutorial, you learned how to set up a CakePHP application to send messages from WhatsApp to a Slack channel using the Twilio WhatsApp API. This integration showcases the power and flexibility of combining Twilio, Slack, and CakePHP to streamline communication workflows across different platforms.

Popoola Temitope is a mobile developer and a technical writer who loves writing about frontend technologies. He can be reached on LinkedIn.