Sencha Touch Launches Today – Uses Twilio to Help Demo Framework To Customers
When Abe, the CEO of Sencha, emailed yesterday to tell us that his company would be launching Sencha Touch today we were excited to be among the first to hear. This wasn’t just a social call, what he really needed was a simple way for users on their product website to send a demo link to their mobile phones, to witness Sencha Touch in action.
Sounds like a simple little feature, but when you consider the immediate gratification element it deliver for developer, its pretty powerful. When you click the link, a page opens which takes advantage of Sencha Touch and demos some of its new functionality.
Twilio to the rescue!
Its possible you haven’t heard of Sencha yet, and that’s because it’s a newly formed company that combines several tools that mobile developers know and love. As of Monday, Ext JS has combined forces with jQTouch and Raphael to form Sencha. You can read more about it on the Sencha blog but basically Ext JS + jQTouch + Raphaël = Sencha
From their website:
Sencha Touch allows your web apps to look and feel like native apps. Beautiful user interface components and rich data management, all powered by the latest HTML5 and CSS3 web standards and ready for Android™ and Apple iOS devices. Keep them web-based or wrap them for distribution on mobile app stores.
Congrats to the team at Sencha on their launch, and we’re glad we could make it super easy for them to send text messages for their customers to check out their mobile demos of Sencha Touch.
Have you built something cool with Twilio? We’d love to share it with our blog readers to help jog their imaginations about ways, big and small, that Twilio can be used for building better businesses. Drop us a note at to share your story. Happy coding!
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