Rock Twilio with PHP This Week – Win a Netbook!

August 04, 2009
Written by
Danielle Morrill
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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We’re into week #12 of our Netbook contest, and this time around we’re looking for PHP developers to submit their Twilio apps for a chance to win a Dell mini Netbook and some other cool Twilio swag.

PHP is a broad category, and in addition to new entries we also encourage submissions from previous week’s that didn’t win.  Maybe you coded up your submission in Ruby or Python, but could easily switch it over to PHP.  Maybe you could make a couple improvements that will simply blow our minds.  Building something new from scratch?  That’s great too.

Example Code to Get You Started

Whatever you’re working on, don’t miss our example code in PHP which can help do a fair amount of the heavy lifting for you:

And don’t forget to take advantage of our PHP Helper Library.

Ready to submit your entry?

Visit our contest page, or head straight to the submission form.  Submissions are due no later than midnight on Sunday, August 9th and we will announce the winner the next day.  We look forward to seeing what you create!

Know of Any PHP Developer Meetups?

Danielle, our community manager, has been writing Twilio apps in PHP lately.  She admits she’s not a very skilled coder – yet – but she’s committed to getting good.  If you know of any good PHP meetups in Seattle or the Bay Area please drop her a line.