Podcast Interview: Harley Manning of Forrester Talks Customer Experience, New Book “Outside In”

September 07, 2012
Written by
Meghan Murphy
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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Harley Manning

Understanding your customers can make or break your business. Companies are realizing that creating outstanding user experiences and making your business customer-focused is the key to success. In his latest book, Forrester Analyst Harley Manning explores how to create outstanding experiences for your users and what we can learn from the customer experience ecosystem.

Thumbing through Outside In, we were seriously impressed with the data around company growth and customer happiness, plus concepts around innovative UX and how that influences how your users will act.

We had the chance to interview Harley about his book and why customer experience is the greatest source of untapped ROI for businesses. Listen to the full podcast interview:

Harley will lead the discussion in our upcoming webinar “Delivering Outstanding Customer Experiences Through Proactive Notifications” on September 20th. Register to join us for this webinar now.