Play Pokemon On Your Phone with Twilio MMS and Memms

January 09, 2015
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Life is full of important choices. Do you pick a fire Pokemon, grass, or water? Bulbasaur is cute and his special attacks are good, but he has a low HP and is slow. Charmander or Squirtle might be better choices for your starter Pokemon.

Thanks to the folks at Kohactive you can make these important choices and play Pokemon on your phone via Twilio MMS.

You don’t need an app to be the very best, like no one ever was. To catch them is your real test, to train them is easy because all you have to do is send a command to Kohactive’s Twilio number: 765-303-4165. You’ll get an MMS back showing how your game has progressed on screen.

Play Pokemon on Your Phone
Justin McNally built the app using Kohactive’s MMS product Memms, after stumbling upon a Twilio powered Pokedex and getting inspired to pursue the Pokemon creed. “I thought, ‘What’s a good way you can use MMS without an app?’,” said Justin.

Justin’s Pokemon hack is collaborative. You play with other users texting in commands, all without an Gameboy Link Cable (although hardcore Pokemon players might stick to the link cable).

Check out Justin’s hack here and learn more about the work his team is doing at Kohactive here.