Watch as StartupCamp Telephony Disrupts ITEXPO Miami Next Week

January 13, 2010
Written by
Danielle Morrill
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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Next week, we’ll be heading South to Miami Beach for the annual Internet Telephony Conference & Expo to participate, listen, learn, and support our developers who have been invited to present.

This year, things are getting more exciting with the introduction of two new events co-located with ITEXPO that are right up our alley: Startup Camp Telephony and the Cloud Communications Summit.

Twilio Powered Startup Presenting at Startup Camp Telephony

As we announced on our blog last month, we challenged Twilio developers who had integrated our product into their startup to apply for the chance to present.  The event saw 25 submissions, and two Twilio-powered startups have been selected.  As promised, we’ll be flying them to Miami to present on January 21st.

Larry Lisser, of Embrase, is the man behind this event (read about how Startup Camp Telephony came together on his blog) and we’re so happy to get to work with him on creating more community and bringing attention to startups who are taking advantage of commodity voice to build viable businesses.

This is just the first year of this event, and we wouldn’t be shocked to see three times as many startups presenting next year with a full day event. – Automating Marketing is a startup founded at Startup Weekend by Jason Corwin, Jeff Jenkins, and Brett Hardin and is currently in stealth mode. The founders were introduced to Twilio as part of the Twilio Startup Weekend Challenge (stay tuned, the winner will be announced this week).

The company will launch, and reveal what they’ve been working on for the first time to the public at Startup Camp Telephony next week.  All we can say is that they’re working hard to make it easier for marketers to reach their audiences in a way that is user friendly and effective.  We’ll leave it to them to say more.

Say Hired – Automating Recruiting

SayHired was also founded at Startup Weekend by Guy Hirsch, Mark Thomas, and Mariya Genzel and they are using telephony to help companies remove the hassles and high costs from the hard process of recruiting job candidates.

Their product helps companies sort through resumes to determine who is most likely to be a hire and perform automated phone screens.  Say Hired was also founded at Startup Weekend San Francisco.