Nubitalk Powers Donation Campaigns for Unicef, Greenpeace Using Twilio SIP Trunking and WebRTC

October 23, 2015
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There are no days off for Unicef and Greenpeace. The problems they’re trying to solve, respectively, all over the world are absolutely critical. For Greenpeace, that means fighting for the well being of the environment. For Unicef, that means helping out mothers and children in developing countries.

Each organization relies exclusively on donations to continue their work. Their donation campaigns directly impact their ability to do their work effectively, and at scale.

Behind those campaigns is a network of communications technology that makes it possible for volunteers and agents to reach out potential donors. When Greenpeace and Unicef needed experts who could build out the communications stack they needed to power their donation efforts, they chose Twilio-powered, Nubitalk.

Launching Contact Centers In Brazil with Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking and WebRTC

Unicef and Greenpeace are vastly different organizations with similar communication needs. They both needed to get a contact center staffed with agents up and running in Brazil for a low cost, in a short amount of time. Nubitalk knows Brazil’s telecom regulations, and knows which tools to use to make their clients successful.


Nubitalk, worked with BDonors to lead Greenpeace’s donation outreach. They quickly trained, staffed, and built out a call center for Greenpeace, powered by Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking.

Cesar Branco of Nubitalk was instrumental in setting up the contact center in a matter of days. “It’s not cost effective for them to set up a dedicated call center,” says Cesar. Using Twilio, Nubitalk got set up fast without having to sign prohibitively expensive SIP contracts, or outsource to a vendor. With Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking’s pay-as-you-go model, they paid only for what they used and nothing more.

After their quick deploy, Bdonors won another contract with a leading NGO, Unicef, and called Nubitalk again to work their magic.


Unsurprisingly, Nubitalk built out Unicef’s contact center solution with Bdonors in no time. “The customer was up and running in 1 day, from configuration to agent training to the integration of Bdonors CRM platform with Nubitalk’s browser based agent desktop,” said Cesar.

Forgoing telecom hardware is critical to get NGO’s set up quickly. Unicef’s call center agents used Twilio’s WebRTC functionality to make calls from the browser and access donor information easily via screenpops.

Nubitalk is continuing their work building WebRTC based desktop call centers using Twilio, and deploying Brazil-based Twilio SIP Trunks. You can learn more about their work here.