New Contest Category: Twilio Conferencing

November 23, 2009
Written by
Danielle Morrill
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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Earlier today, we announced the release of the latest Twilio feature: Simple Conferencing.  We are also making conferencing the focus of this week’s Twilio developer contest, and challenge you to use conferencing in a Twilio application for your chance to win a sexy little Dell Netbook.

How the Developer Challenge Works

Each week, we choose a category for developers to focus on when creating their contest submissions.  We accept submission throughout the week, and on Sunday at midnight (11:59pm) we close the call for entries, and the next morning we announce the winner on our blog, website, and partner sites.  Our goal is to highlight the features, functionality, and use cases of the Twilio API while bringing attention to the creations of talented developers in the Twilio developer network.

Twilio Developers in Demand

We’ve seen an increased volume of requests for Twilio developers to help businesses integrate voice into existing products, or build new voice solutions to improve business processes.

What better way to showcase your skills than to build a Twilio app for the world to see?  If you’re a Twilio developer looking for project work, or a business seeking a talented developer to help with your voice applications, we suggest you join the Twilio Developers Network on LinkedIn.  If you’d like us to refer you to businesses looking for developers, make sure to fill out your profile.