Meet The SIGNAL Speakers: Engineering “Mad Science”, Investing and Testing

March 29, 2016
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SIGNAL is just eight weeks away. Let’s get you familiar with the front-end engineers, investors, hackers, and testers that will be at SIGNAL.

If you haven’t nabbed your tickets to SIGNAL yet, you can use the promo code BLOG75 to get $75 off of the ticket price.

Without further adieu, let’s meet the speakers.

Allison Craig
There aren’t too many engineers with degrees in fashion design. There are even fewer who ship code that helps other fashion designers visualize their creations from their browser. Allison Craig is one of the few.

After Craig started selling her “wares” online, she caught the development bug. She enrolled in the Hackbright Academy, and shortly after graduating, joined Slack as an Associate Frontend Designer. Her languages of choice are Javascript and Python.

She’s as likely to write a line of code, as a melody line. You can catch her talking about Developing Good Slack Apps and Custom Integrations at SIGNAL.

Feross Aboukhadijeh

Feross prefers to engineer what he calls “mad science.” It’s the type of technology that draws a puzzled and pleasantly surprised reaction from the user. Feross hopes his ships make people say “Whoa, I didn’t know that was possible.”

The latest bit of “mad science” he’s working on is WebTorrent – a  P2P BitTorrent client that runs in the browser thanks to some WebRTC hacking. You can hear how he built it at his session, Bringing P2P To The Masses With WebRTC

Eileen Uchitelle
Eileen has an 18 step plan for writing a great talk. Three of those steps include remembering not to table flip, burning frustrations off at the gym, and hitting the Meetup circuit before taking your talk to the big stage.

As you might be able to tell, she’s into testing and improvement. She’s a Rails enthusiast who is constantly looking for ways to get more insight into how her code is performing. Or, as she puts it, “how to performance.”

Pro-tip: you might find a reference to her dog, who is named after a Game of Thrones character, in her SIGNAL session — Security is Broken: Understanding Common Vulnerabilities.
Byron Deeter


You probably know Byron Deeter from his rugby fame, taking Cal Berkeley’s Bears to a championship in 1996. Right? Oh, yeah he’s also an investor, too.

Byron is the leading cloud computing investor for Bessemer Venture Partners. He’s been on Twilio’s board since 2010. He’ll be on a panel with other venture fund standouts from Redpoint and Salesforce Ventures talking about how nonprofits can raise capital.

Take a preview of the panel here.