Meet Signal Speakers: From Coding In The Newsroom, To Making You Sure Can Stream House of Cards

March 04, 2015
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Signal Twilio Conference

This year’s Signal Conference brings together the people who are building the future of communications. You might be surprised how familiar you already are with them. If you use Netflix, you might owe a hat tip to Mike. If you live in Minneapolis and read the MinnPost, you can thank Alan for keeping your data on point.

We’re excited to have a crew of inventive speakers on the Signal calendar, and we’d like to introduce you to a few of them.

Meet The Speakers

Kate Heddleston was unsure of what to major in at Stanford. After nailing an “Introduction to CS” exam she got an inkling she was pretty good at this whole engineering thing. As a freelance Software Engineer Kate builds anything and everything, mostly in Python, Flask, and AngularJS. When she’s not committing code, she’s coaching swim teams and teaching women at the HackBright academy to program.


You might know Mike McGarr’s employer, Netflix. Netflix certainly knows you, and that you watched Weekend At Bernies on Sunday night. Who can blame you?! Mike’s an Engineering Manager at Netflix, making sure that your movies, shows, and series are ready for you to stream whenever, wherever. Working on the Netflix Build Tools Team, Mike strives to build quality software through automation. You can hear him talk about all things engineering on his Ship Show Podcast.


Alan Palazzolo writes in a newsroom at MinnPost, a small non-profit newspaper in Minneapolis. Alan doesn’t just write stories, he also writes the code that informs those stories. As an open source advocate, Alan manages MinnPost’s code base, and uses his technical savvy to comb through data, model data, and create visualisations for stories. As a former Code For America fellow, he’s focused on how code can help a better world from the government sector, to civil, to the newsroom.


Prabode Webadde has had a whirlwind of a year. Shortly after founding CarCodeSMS, aplatform that lets car dealers communicate with customers directly via SMS, he won a hackathon. The company that ran the hackathon then acquired CarCodeSMS. Now, Prabode is focusing on delivering awesome customer experiences at scale for Edmunds, less than a year after winning that fateful hackathon.


Grab your tickets to Signal right here