Lookup Reassigned Number is Now Generally Available!
Lookup Reassigned Number is Now Generally Available
Users frequently change their phone numbers: a Gallop poll shows 55% of users globally changed their phone number every two years and Twilio’s research shows up to 10% of users in the US changed their phone number annually. When a user changes their number, the old one can be reassigned to someone else. Whether you're engaging with customers via voice or SMS for user verification, promotional offers, alerts, notifications, and general user engagement, businesses can face significant challenges.
This creates a risk: if a business's records are not updated, messages may be sent to the wrong recipient. This not only wastes resources but can also result in unauthorized contact, potentially leading to hefty fines in certain countries.
Twilio can help businesses tackle these challenges and knows that when contact reaches the intended users at the right moment, conversion rates can soar, driving increased engagement, loyalty, and revenue for the company.
Lookup Reassigned Number (generally available)
In the light of this, Twilio is announcing Lookup Reassigned Number is now generally available. Request access here.
With Lookup Reassigned Number, businesses can answer the question "Does this number still belong to the person I think it does?" by utilizing mobile-based intelligence to verify that the current owner of a phone number is the same individual who previously held it.
The last verified date field refers to the date you obtained consent to call or text the end-user of the phone number or a date on which you are reasonably certain that the end-user could still be reached at that number (e.g., date of last contact, date end-user last updated their phone number).
Who can use Lookup Reassigned Number?
Lookup Reassigned is now generally available to any Twilio Lookup customer with a mobile number input field. Discover the advantages of leveraging mobile-based signals with our Lookup API.
How Lookup Reassigned Number helps businesses
Lookup Reassigned Number helps businesses avoid the complications of unintentionally contacting the wrong individuals, this way it can make communications smoother and ensure it complies with local regulations.
It has several uses: it can help in data cleansing, ensuring businesses have an up-to-date database, boost conversion and reduce communications costs by only engaging with end users that are still your customers, and also avoid expensive fines related to local regulations such as TCPA in the US.
Be sure you are contacting the right person with Lookup Reassigned Number while increasing conversion rates, minimizing fraud and improving user experience. Learn more about Lookup Reassigned Number here.
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