Logic Monitor Launches New Twilio Usage Monitoring Capabilities

November 05, 2013
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Logic Monitor Twilio Integration

Steve Francis Logic Monitor
From startups to enterprise giants, businesses face a common problem: there’s so much data, and not enough time to mine it. There’s no time to track 1,000 calls or monitor your stack minute-to-minute manually. Logic Monitor wants to “keep you sane” by automating the data collection and reporting process. Now, they’ve added new capabilities to monitor all things Twilio related, from your spend, to SMS inbound, call outbound and more.

Steve Francis (pictured above), Chief Product Officer at Logic Monitor recognized the data monitoring problem and built LogicMonitor as the tool he wished he had access to. “Monitoring was always the the biggest pain I had running datacenters. It was always a common pain everywhere I consulted,” says Steve.

Logic Monitor’s new Twilio integration let’s you monitor a ton of different Twilio dimensions. Here are a few. Learn more about the new integration here.

  1. Total Price
  2. SMS
  3. Calls
  4. SMS Inbound
  5. SMS Outbound
  6. Call Inbound
  7. Call Outbound
  8. Local Phone Numbers


LogicMonitor Twilio


Logic Monitor’s Twilio integration actually started as a purely internal tool. The Logic Monitor product uses SMS and Voice to allow users to stay on top of issues from alert, to acknowledgement to escalation. When the LogicMonitor team wanted a better look into how they’re using Twilio in real-time they got to work on integrating their monitoring tool.

Learn more about Logic Monitor and their new Twilio Usage Monitoring Capabilities by visiting their website, LogicMonitor.com.