Kit Lets Your Control Your CRM Via Text With Twilio

August 10, 2015
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Michael Perry built his business from a simple audience targeting app, to a full fledged CRM you can control with a text. The whole development process only took around 18 months.

Kit CRM is moving fast. But things could always go faster for Perry. In his closing words in our email interview he joked that “San Francisco wasn’t built in a day.” Indeed it wasn’t. But, Kit did expand into several new countries in a day using Twilio. Now they’re available in 13 different countries, offering an easy way to use your CRM via Twilio SMS.

Many Platforms, Just A Few Texts

Sending a targeted email update to a targeted group of customers could mean logging into three separate platforms to proof email copy, design, and language. Or, you could send a few texts to Kit.

Kit acts as your digital employee managing sending, scheduling and drafting of a ton of different marketing actions. If you need to post to Facebook, Kit will show you a preview of what your post will look like through a simple link. If you need to send an email as part of a campaign, Kit will not only send it, it’ll give you a glimpse at what it’ll look like in your customer’s inbox – all in your text thread.

Twilio SMS acts as the layer that sits on top of Kit’s powerful CRM, making complex marketing actions controllable through a simple text. It’s the anti-app, and Kit likes it that way.

Foregoing An App, Adopting SMS


“We were originally going to build an app,” says Perry, “SMS was a much better route for a ton of reasons.” The main reason – text messaging is ubiquitous. Anyone with a smartphone or a feature phone can fire off a text in seconds.

Perry and Kit CTO Mike Taylor got up and running quickly with Twilio. “The integration process was pretty painless. Twilio has really great documentation, and my CTO, Mike Taylor, was able to create something magical from it,” adding “I think its pretty amazing what you can do with SMS.

“You can literally build, buy and run a very targeted ad campaign on Facebook in 4 text messages. This gives people from all around the world with incredible opportunity, and they don’t need a smartphone to be powerful.”
You can learn more about Kit right here.