Join Twilio in Urging the Senate to Restore Net Neutrality Protections

May 08, 2018
Written by
Emily Emery
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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The fight is far from over. Congress needs to hear from innovators and small businesses about preserving the freedom to communicate.

An important vote to protect net neutrality is scheduled to take place in the U.S. Senate and we need you to contact your Senators.

What’s happening

On Wednesday, May 9th, the U.S. Senate is scheduled to use a procedural rule to attempt to protect net neutrality. Under the Congressional Review Act, Congress can pass a resolution of disapproval to reverse the December 2017 FCC vote to rescind net neutrality protections.

The U.S. Senate will consider whether Congress should proceed on a vote to “roll back” the FCC “roll back” of the Open Internet Order. This vote has bipartisan support, and it could dramatically influence the preservation of an open and accessible internet.

What you can do

This is about your internet. The voices of innovators and small businesses – people like you – are especially important in this debate.

Twilio will continue to work with Congress, the FCC, and the FTC to provide greater transparency and certainty in communications to ensure that the developers using our platforms have the freedom to communicate with their users, and that fair rules are in place to ensure communications are not arbitrarily blocked by providers. Twilio is also active on the state level in supporting efforts that support strong open internet protections.

In summary, the fight to preserve open and accessible communications is far from over.

Today’s a day to tell Congress that you support the freedom to communicate.