Introducing Signal Speakers, Early Bird Registration Extended

February 06, 2015
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Signal Twilio Conference

Take a close look at Signal’s Early Bird ticket deadline. Poof! Before your very eyes, we’ve extended it. You can take advantage of the discount right here.

That’s a little sleight of hand trick we learned, but we’ll leave the real magic to the professionals, like Signal speaker and professional magician Doug McKenzie. Doug encourages his audience members to pick a card, any card, and he’ll tell you what it is (without looking) via Twilio SMS. This is just one of the amazing use cases we’ve seen from Signal speakers. We’d like to introduce you to a few other speakers below.

Meet The Speakers

Leah Culver

Lea Culver is a Python developer, and a builder at heart. As a Developer Advocate for Dropbox, Lea travels all over speaking at conferences and teaching developers how they can use Dropbox in their 3rd party apps. When she’s not coding, she’s running around San Francisco – literally. She’s a competitive distance runner. Check out Lea’s talk from Nordic.js here.


Doug McKenzie is a magician who elevates his show with some slick Twilio code. We can’t give away his secrets, we can only watch the magic happen. Check out Doug in action from this past year’s AWS Re:Invent here.




Jimmy Jacobson founded Wedgies as a social polling platform to give everyone a voice. Whether you’re expressing your disinterest in the upcoming Saved By The Bell spinoff, or casting your vote on where the US of A is headed, Wedgies can provide that platform. Seriously, they just hosted all the polling for President Obama’s State of the Union. Jimmy will talk about scaling social polling with Twilio SMS.

Patrick McKenzie
Patrick McKenzie founded Appointment Reminder, and bootstrapped his own business that helps professionals and businesses easily manage any inbound communication from SMS to emails to phone calls, programmatically. He’s a problem solver, and deeply interested in how code can change the way we communicate.


Stay tuned to the blog for Signal announcements and more!