How to Use Image Recognition on Twilio WhatsApp API

May 21, 2021
Written by
Diane Phan
Reviewed by

header - How to Use Image Recognition on Twilio WhatsApp API

The concept of recognizing images might seem like a challenge, but with the help of Clarifai's image recognition API, the code can predict the contents of a given image and figure out the concepts to describe the picture, as well as the prediction value of how accurately the image is classified.

In this article, we’ll walk you through how you can develop a functional Python program to identify media content using Twilio WhatsApp API, Clarifai API, and Flask.

gif demonstration for How to Use Image Recognition on Twilio WhatsApp API

Tutorial Requirements

In order to build this project, you will need to have the following items ready:

  • Python 3.6 or newer. If your operating system does not provide a Python interpreter, you can go to to download an installer.
  • ngrok is a handy utility to connect the development version of our Python application running on your system to a public URL that Twilio can connect to. This is necessary for the development version of the application because your computer is likely behind a router or firewall, so it isn’t directly reachable on the Internet. You can also learn how to automate ngrok.
  • Clarifai account. Sign up for a free account to generate an API key.
  • A free or paid Twilio account. If you are new to Twilio get your free account now! (If you sign up through this link, Twilio will give you $10 credit when you upgrade.)


We’ll start off by creating a directory to store the files of our project. Inside your favorite terminal, enter:

$ mkdir image_recognition_whatsapp
$ cd image_recognition_whatsapp

Since we will be installing some Python packages for this project, we need to create a virtual environment.

If you are using a Unix or MacOS system, open a terminal and enter the following commands:

$ python -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ pip install flask twilio clarifai-grpc python-dotenv

NOTE: Depending on your active version of Python, you might have to specify python3.

If you are on a Windows machine, enter the following commands in a prompt window:

$ python -m venv venv
$ venv/Scripts/activate
(venv) $ pip install flask twilio clarifai-grpc python-dotenv

For more information about the packages, you can check them out here:

  • The Flask framework, to create the web application that will receive message notifications from Twilio.
  • The python-twilio package, to send messages through the Twilio service.
  • Clarifai Python gRPC Client to interact with the Clarifai API for image recognition.
  • The python-dotenv package, to read a configuration file.

Configure the Twilio WhatsApp Sandbox

Log onto the Twilio Dashboard to view your Programmable Messaging Dashboard. Look at the sidebar to click on Try it Out and reveal the Try WhatsApp entry. Select it to learn how to set up your sandbox.

The sandbox is provided by Twilio, however, once you complete your app, you can request production access for your Twilio phone number.

WhatsApp Sandbox configuration

To enable the WhatsApp sandbox for your smartphone, send a WhatsApp message with the given code to the number assigned to your account. The code is going to begin with the word "join", followed by a randomly generated two-word phrase. Shortly after you send the message you should receive a reply from Twilio indicating that your mobile number is connected to the sandbox and can start sending and receiving messages.

If you intend to test your application with additional smartphones, then you must repeat the sandbox registration process with each of them.

Authenticate against Twilio and Clarifai Services

We need to safely store some important credentials that will be used to authenticate against the Twilio and Clarifai services.

Create a file named .env in your working directory and paste the following text with your own Twilio credentials obtained from your Twilio Console:


Twilio Account Credentials

To use the Clarifai API, you need to make an account and create an application to generate an API key for your project.

Add the following line to the .env file. The Clarifai API key will be a random string of alphanumeric characters. It is crucial that the phrase "Key" is inside the string when setting the API key as seen below.


Set up a development Flask server

Make sure that you are currently in the virtual environment of your project directory. Since we will be utilizing Flask throughout the project, we must set up the development server. Add a .flaskenv file (make sure you have the leading dot) to your project with the following lines:

These incredibly helpful lines will save you time when it comes to testing and debugging        your project.

  • FLASK_APP tells the Flask framework where our application is located
  • FLASK_ENV configures Flask to run in debug mode

These lines are convenient because every time you save the source file, the server will reload and reflect the changes.

Then, type flask run in your terminal to start the Flask framework.

terminal showing the output of "flask run" command. flask is running with environment on development

The screenshot above displays what your console should look like after running the command flask run. The service is running privately on your computer’s port 5000 and will wait for incoming connections there. You may also notice that debugging mode is active. When in this mode, the Flask server will automatically restart to incorporate any further changes you make to the source code.

Set up a webhook with Twilio

Since this is a tutorial to create a WhatsApp chat bot, we will need to use a webhook (web callback) to allow real-time data to be delivered to our application by Twilio.

Open up another terminal window in your project directory. While Flask is running in one terminal window, start ngrok with the following command to temporarily enable the Flask service publicly over the Internet:

$ ngrok http 5000

Ngrok is a great tool because it allows you to create a temporary public domain that redirects HTTP requests to our local port 5000.

image showing the output of running the "ngrok http 5000" command with forwarding URLS

Your ngrok terminal will now look like the picture above. As you can see, there are URLs in the “Forwarding” section. These are public URLs that ngrok uses to redirect requests into our Flask server.

Copy the URL starting with https:// to the clipboard and then return to the Twilio Console. Navigate to the Programmable Messaging dashboard and look at the sidebar for Programmable Messaging to find WhatsApp Sandbox Settings under the Settings option. This is where we tell Twilio to send incoming message notifications to this URL.

Paste the URL copied from the ngrok session into the “WHEN A MESSAGE COMES IN” field and append /webhook, since that is going to be the endpoint that we will write later in the Python application. Here is my example for reference:

screenshot of ngrok URL inside the text field for the Twilio WhatsApp sandbox

The URL from ngrok in my example is but again, yours will be different.

Before you click on the “Save” button at the very bottom of the page, make sure that the request method is set to HTTP POST.

Integrate Clarifai API to your application

This project is a great opportunity to test out the Clarifai API and see how it works against user inputs. Using computer vision and artificial intelligence, Clarifai scrapes and analyzes the image to return tags or "concepts" associated with the image, such as "outside", "cloud", or "sky" if you send in a picture of the sky. This API will be used to help our app identify what's going on in the picture by setting a tag and a prediction value of how likely the associated tag is true to the picture.  

With that said, let’s create a new Python file. I created to store the code that uses Clarifai’s API. Copy the following code into the file you just created:

import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from import ClarifaiChannel
from clarifai_grpc.grpc.api import resources_pb2, service_pb2, service_pb2_grpc
from clarifai_grpc.grpc.api.status import status_pb2, status_code_pb2

channel = ClarifaiChannel.get_grpc_channel()
stub = service_pb2_grpc.V2Stub(channel)

metadata = (('authorization', CLARIFAI_API_KEY),)

def get_tags(image_url):
    relevant_tags = {}   
    request = service_pb2.PostModelOutputsRequest(
    response = stub.PostModelOutputs(request, metadata=metadata)
    if response.status.code != status_code_pb2.SUCCESS:
        raise Exception("Request failed, status code: " + str(response.status.code))
    for concept in response.outputs[0].data.concepts:
        print('%12s: %.2f' % (, concept.value), "\n")
        relevant_tags[] = round(concept.value, 2)
    return relevant_tags

The get_tags function makes a request to the Clarifai API to analyze the picture sent in through WhatsApp. The response is parsed so that only the tags for the picture are saved in the relevant_tags list. These descriptive tags will have the concept.value set to them, which stands for the prediction values for the concepts. Alternatively, you can use another data structure to store all the tags. Using a dictionary allows you to expand on the project if you need to, especially if you need to detect a particular word.

For the sake of returning a nicely formatted list of tags, each concept.value is rounded to two decimal places. Feel free to change it accordingly to return the results you want to see.

Receive and respond to messages with Twilio

The goal of the app is to send in a picture through WhatsApp and have Clarifai API return the list of tags associated with the picture.

Create a file named and copy and paste the following code in order to import the functions and necessary modules to run the Flask app, as well as the webhook:

import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from flask import Flask, request
from import Client
from twilio.twiml.messaging_response import Message, MessagingResponse
from image_classifier import get_tags


app = Flask(__name__)

from_whatsapp_number = 'whatsapp:+<YOUR_WHATSAPP_SANDBOX_PHONE_NUMBER>'
to_whatsapp_number = 'whatsapp:+<YOUR_WHATSAPP_PHONE_NUMBER>'

def respond(message):
    response = MessagingResponse()
    return str(response)

@app.route('/webhook', methods=['POST'])
def reply():
    sender = request.form.get('From')
    media_msg = request.form.get('NumMedia')    # 1 if true - it's a media message (photo)
    message = request.form.get('Body').lower()
    if media_msg == '1':
        pic_url = request.form.get('MediaUrl0')  # URL of the person's media
        relevant_tags = get_tags(pic_url)
        tag_string = ""
        for k, v in relevant_tags.items():
            tag_string += (k + " : " + str(v) + "\n")
            print(k, v, "\n")
        mms = client.messages.create(
                    body='The tags for your picture are: \n' + tag_string,
        return respond(f'Please send in a picture.')

As you can see, a new function respond() is created and called throughout the project. This function sends a response to the user. By calling this function, it also helps our app return the output to the user.

The webhook is short - the user will text in a picture that they want to view the image classification tags. The pic_url is passed to the get_tags function defined from the file. The results from that function are stored in the relevant_tags object to return to the user over WhatsApp.

Run the WhatsApp Image Recognition App

It’s time to wrap things up and test out the code. Make sure you have one tab running flask and one tab running ngrok. If you closed it for any reason, start it again now with the following commands in their respective tabs.

(venv) $ flask run

And in the second tab:

$ ngrok http 5000

Furthermore, make sure that your ngrok webhook URL is updated inside the Twilio Sandbox for WhatsApp. Each time you restart ngrok, the URL changes, so you will have to replace the URL. Remember to add the /webhook at the end of the ngrok forward URL.

Take your WhatsApp-enabled mobile device and send an image to your WhatsApp sandbox. Wait a minute and see the results as shown below:

WhatsApp screenshot of the prediction values and concept tags for a picture of diane at second sky music festival

Tada! The tags related to your picture are not only printed on the console, but returned as a WhatsApp message as well. Seems like the Clarifai API didn't do so bad identifying the picture of me standing at Porter Robinson's Second Sky music festival!

What’s next for image recognition projects?

Congratulations! You successfully identified the contents of an image sent to your WhatsApp sandbox number using the Twilio WhatsApp API, Clarifai, Python, and Flask.

How accurate were the predictions and what will you do with this new information that you can retrieve from WhatsApp media images? If you're looking for more image recognition projects, check out these:

Let me know what you'll build next by reaching out to over email!

Diane Phan is a Developer for technical content on the Twilio Voices team. She loves to help beginner programmers get started on creative projects that involve fun pop culture references. She can be reached at dphan [at] or LinkedIn.