How Software Communications Is Helping Fight Human Trafficking: The Polaris Project Uses SMS To Save Lives

August 13, 2015
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Our world is rapidly changing for the better in the wave of software communications. It’s easy to spot this change in the hospitality industry with companies like AirBnB, or in the ride-sharing industry with companies like Lyft. Outside of the consumer industry, software is not just changing lives, it’s saving lives.

The Polaris Project works to abolish human trafficking by leveraging communications technology. Together with the Salesforce Foundation and Twilio, the Polaris Project launched the BeFree shortcode which allows victims of human trafficking to text the number to be connected with the National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC).

Twilio CEO, Jeff Lawson spoke to Fox Business about the state of software communications and the Polaris Project’s amazing work fighting against human trafficking.

Learn more about the Polaris Project’s work here