Recap of Cloudcamp and Gluecon2010

June 01, 2010
Written by
John Sheehan
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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Last week in Broomfield, Colorado hundreds of people from across the cloud computing and API industries gathered for the second annual Glue Conference.

CloudCamp Denver

Over 150 people turned out for CloudCamp Denver at Gluecon. Highlights included over a dozen unconference-style breakout sessions that discussed the issues and challenges of running a cloud-based infrastructure and un-panel consisting of self-selected cloud computing experts answering questions from the group. Overall, CloudCamp was a valuable time to learn from other’s experiences and expertise before the Gluecon main event.

Gluecon Hackathon

In partnership with BlankSlate and PayPal, Twilio was honored to be a sponsor of the first-ever Gluecon Hackathon on Wednesday night. Teams had until Noon Thursday to submit apps that used one or more of each sponsor’s APIs. Each sponsor then picked the best use of their API. Over $750 in cash and prizes were awarded to the winners.

Twilio Winner: “Stenotype” by Mick Thompson and Jack Moffitt from Collecta

Stenotype is a real-time conference call transcription service that publishes audio from the conference call into an online chat room via XMPP.

BlankSlate and PayPal Winner: TextItOff! A Social Punishment/Reward System for Meal Tracking by Clay Loveless from Mashery

TextItOff! is an app designed to help you stay accountable while on a diet.  Each time you eat you send in a text message with the contents of your meal using USDA codes. If the food isn’t good for you, you’re penalized with a small payment made to your accountability partner. If the food is good for you, you’re rewarded likewise. Payments are handled via PayPal and the app was built on BlankSlate. The SMS functionality was built using Twilio.

Honorable Mention

Two other entries also took advantage of Twilio. Eugene Osovetsky (former Twilio contest winner) from WebServius wrote a simple phone survey app that collects responses from conference attendees about their experiences and stores the data in BlankSlate. Dusty Candland from Red27 Consulting also built a SMS broadcaster that lets you forward incoming messages to any number of other numbers.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the hackathon!

Twilio Speaks!

In addition to CloudCamp and the hackathon a couple Twilio-ers also presented to the conference attendees.

“WebHooks” by Jeff Lindsay

Jeff Lindsay is a recent addition to the Twilio team. In this talk, Jeff gives a brief overview of WebHooks, a cause he has been championing for the past four years.