Get Out and Vote: Apps Helping You Get to the Polls

November 05, 2012
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Tomorrow is our election day, time to get out and vote! SMS, Voice and new avenues of communication are changing the way we share information and mobilizing people to partake in one of our greatest rights in the US. Here are some Twilio-powered apps that are doing just that – have you built an app for the election? What other apps are you using around this year’s election? Email and we’ll update it here.

Find Where to Vote via SMS

Text your address to (484) 477-0738 and find your nearest polling place for tomorrow.  Joanne Cheng (pictured left) used Google’s Civic Information API that provides information on polling deadlines, candidate data and other useful information to build a simple app that allows you to text in your location and find the nearest polling location.

DNC National Voter Protection Hotline
Report voter fraud in real time with Voter Fraud Hotline by dialing 1-800-311-VOTE . If you see something, say something and call the hotline to be connected with a lawyer in your area.


Cost of Freedom Gives Access to Voter ID Laws
Getting out to vote might not be enough if people are turned away at the polls for not having the right identification. Visit Cost of Freedom to find out your state’s Voter ID laws and requirements. Faye Anderson, lead evangelist for the Cost of Freedom project, wanted to even the playing field so that anyone who wants to vote, can vote. Read about how she implemented SMS to reach even more voters.

TurboVote Keeps You Notified, On Call for Questions
If you have any questions about where or how to vote, the pros at TurboVote are there to help during Election Day on Twitter. The app itself helps you register to vote, vote by mail and remind you to do all of the above. Read more about TurboVote from our interview.

We hope these apps help you to get out and vote! If you are building something or know of apps that are changing how we communicate around the election, email or contact us on Twitter at @twilio