Fun and Games

March 28, 2011
Written by
Rahim Sonawalla
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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I got an e-mail from some friends that showed off a phone in game they built at their company's internal hackathon and I just knew it's time for another playful developer contest. Use the API to make a game—a puzzle game, an old school MUD, whatever's fun—and you could win yourself an an Amazon Kindle 3G, $100 in Twilio credit, and some sweet Twilio swag!

Entries must be submitted by 11:59pm PT on Sunday April 3rd. Entries can be submitted here.

Looking for some code to get you started? Nodaphone, the engine that powers wildly popular Touch Tone Tanks, is open source and available on Github.

Bonus Round

Feeling speedy? Our friends at Zappos just released their developer API and they're running their first ever developer contest. Mash-up the Twilio and Zappos API and enter it in their contest for a chance at a $250 Zappos gift certificate and $250 in cash. But hurry, their contest ends on March 31st!

What's This Developer Contest All About?

Each week we announce a new category to encourage developers to try Twilio for different use cases, industries, and integrations.  As a language-agnostic platform for cloud communications, we want to see developers from all backgrounds find success and solve problems with Twilio.  To fire your imagination and reward your efforts, we've run this developer contest for over a year.

How To Get Involved

Submissions to the contest can be submitted here.  If you need any help or want to bounce ideas off other Twilio developers, please join us on our forums or drop a note to