Exploring the Power of Voice in Blogging at Wordcamp Boston

January 25, 2010
Written by
Danielle Morrill
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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This past weekend we headed to Boston to hang out at Microsoft Research (lovingly called the NERD Center, for New England Research and Development) on the M.I.T. campus at Wordcamp Boston, and meet the passionate people gathering to learn and share their skills around WordPress.

WordPress is a powerful content management and blogging platform created by Automattic, with a highly active developer community focused on improving WordPress.org, the open source version, and building themes, plugins and other productivity tools for content publishers.

Talking Twilio & the Future of Voice in Blogs on the Unconference Track

As part of the Wordcamp program, attendees could propose 30 minutes talks that the audience would then vote on.  The talks with the greatest number of votes received an afternoon spot and our talk about using voice on your blog was one of the ones selected.  Check out the talk and brainstorming session lead by Danielle:

Our simple click to call plugin is live now and available for download on the WordPress repository.  We’ve also open-sourced the code and you will find it on Github.

To get started all you need to do is:

  • * Download the wp-click2call plugin
  • * Activate the plugin in your WordPress install
  • * Configure the admin settings of the plugin with your Twilio account details and preferences
  • * Add the code snippet anywhere on your blog (sidebar, header, body, etc.)

If you have questions about how to use this plugin, or suggestions for how we can bring voice and telephone to your blog, please drop us a note at help@twilio.com, we’re always listening and are looking forward to discussing your ideas and planning for the future.