Explore Montreal at Startup Festival with Context.io and Twilio Scavenger Hunt

July 02, 2012
Written by
Meghan Murphy
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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We’re teaming up with the Context.io crew to help all the Startup Festival goers get to know Montreal. Sign up now for this kick off scavenger hunter and contest, happening on July 11th in Montreal. Read more about the challenge below from Sarah-Jane Morris at Context.io, originally posted here

Looking for an awesome way to discover Montreal and win prizes leading up to thekickoff of the International Startup Festival? Join Context.IO and Twilio for a geeky scavenger challenge that will take you all around beautiful downtown Montreal in search of major landmarks, minor landmarks and a few simply bizarre sites/sounds. You’ll also learn all about Montreal’s amazing startup scenealong the way. You’ll need to be a Startup Fest attendee, and we’ll release the scavenger hunt by email to all registrants (you must also register even you already have your Startup Fest ticket) on the morning of July 11th, and you’ll have till 6 PM to complete the challenge.

Participate as you like… solo or in a team of your choosing. If you’d like us to connect you with teammates, select the  ”Mtl Scavenger (teammates please!)” ticket on the Eventbrite page. All we’ll tell you for now is that you or a teammate will need a very basic ability to program/understand code, a camera (iPhone/smart phone cameras should be fine), and a sense of adventure. In exchange, you’ll learn discover the amazing city of Montreal, have some laughs, discover a couple of cool APIs and possibly win some sweet PRIZES!

Your findings will be submitted to official Context.IO and Twilio reps at the Startup Fest kick-off cocktail on Wednesday evening. The more challenges you complete, and the earlier you get to the cocktail (once it starts!), the higher your odds of winning will be! We’re giving away some sweet prizes… stay tuned for that!

Register now! http://startupfestscavenger.eventbrite.com/